Peter Navarro Press Gaggle on Bolton Book, “Big Lie Bolton, Book Deal Bolton”

“My take on him is Big Lie Bolton, it’s Book Deal Bolton, he is doing it for the money, that is pretty clear, and my view is it the Washington’s swamps equivalent of revenge porn. He got fired because he did not obey the chain of command, because his views were totally out of sync with President Donald J. Trump with respect to how to handle international affairs, and he’s basically breaking all manner of tradition in terms of issuing a book at this stage, and he will make a bunch of money. Here’s the point, folks: He talks about the pattern of behavior with the president. Well, the pattern of behavior of John Book Deal Bolton is to go into an administration, advance his own agenda, and when he gets fired from that administration or leaves like he did in the Bush administration, he leaves and then criticizes the people he left behind who gave him the job. He did that with the Bush administration after he helped get the Bush administration into the Iraq War by pushing the big lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. That’s the pattern.”